NYPL Digital Collections Tab is part of the NYC Space/Time
Directory. The goal of this project is to—through a variety of resources—unlock the potential of historical maps and provide opportunities to explore urban history across space and time.
If you encounter any accessibility shortfalls when using this extension or would like to provide other feedback, please email spacetime@nypl.org or TTY Ask NYPL at 212-930-0020.
By installing the NYPL Digital Collections Tab extension (“Extension“), you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:
The Extension is to be used by you only for your own personal, non-commercial use.
You agree not to copy, publish, or redistribute the Extension to any third party.
The trademarks (including but not limited to the Library Lions), logos, service marks and trade names (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed on the Extension are registered and unregistered Trademarks of the New York Public Library (“NYPL”) and others and may not be used unless authorized by the Trademark owner.
Your use of the Extension does not grant you any rights to the digital images displayed using the Extension. For information about the copyright status of any digital image, please consult the NYPL Digital Collections.
Any data collected incidental to your download, installation, or use of the Extension shall be governed by the NYPL website terms and conditions and privacy policy.
The Extension is provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis. NYPL does not guarantee the availability or performance of the Extension and reserves the right to update or remove the Extension at any time and at its sole discretion.